April 28, 2012

BZRK by Michael Grant (Awesome)

Sorry I didn't post last week.  I had too much stuff to write about to choose.  So, this week I'll post twice.  Once on this book, BZRK, and another on author visits.  That would include Margaret Peterson Haddix, whom I met two weeks ago and, if I have enough time, Rick Riordan from October.  Oh, plus I need to review Speeding Bullet, The Always War, Prized, and the rest of the Jimmy Fincher Series.  I'm really behind!  Well, here we go into this review. The cover:

This is one of those covers that aren't very exciting/ don't make much sense until you've read the book.  It's perfect for the book.  There is a biot/ nanobot on an eye with another one on the "z" in BZRK (pronounced berserk). 

The author, Michael Grant, also wrote the the Gone series which is why I read this book to begin with.  I was a bit skeptical from the official summary (that's why I always write my own) but I was really glad I read it.
There are two sides of a battle that is going on in the nano level. Tiny biot/ nanobots are fighting. One side: The Armstrong Fancy Gifts Corporation (AFGC). The other: BZRK. AFGC is lead by conjoined twins Charles and Benjamin and under their command: Bug Man. There goal is to make all of the human race as one. There would be no anger or jealousy. BZRK is headed by the mysterious Lear that no one has actually met, and they're fighting for free choice (or, as Nijinsky said, 'the right to be unhappy'). Through all of this, BZRK's new recruits Noah and Sadie have to get up to speed and learn to fight before the AFGC moves to their target, the President of the United States. There is only one problem with controlling biots in the nano level: if they die, you go crazy.
This was an amazing book. Plot, characters, everything. However, I feel like I have to write a disclaimer. This book is written for a crowd older than what I usually read. That means that there was some language. They suggested things (I hope I got that point across and I don't have to explain more). Some of the tech stuff might be confusing if you're younger, but it probably won't be a problem. Lastly, most of the characters had two names. It wasn't that confusing, but I thought that I would mention that the second to last page has both their real and code names in case you get confused.
This is definitely a book that I would suggest. It will probably make you wash your face more, too, so that's a plus. Unless this is one of those books with an open ending, (I really doubt that since under Ophelia at the back, he said her real name wasn't revealed yet.) there will be a sequel. I'll definitely read that as soon as it comes out. It doesn't seem fair that I have to wait for the next book in THREE of his series. Gone, BZRK, and The Magnificent 12.

I'll try to post again really soon.  See you then.


  1. yeah, bzrk is a great book... hope there's a sequel

    1. There is. It's out on Febuary 26, 2013. Thank you so much for commenting! :D
