August 6, 2013

The Enemy by Charlie Higson

A brief summary: 
A disease has seized the world causing a zombie-like state in all the adults and older children.  The kids are alone to find food, survive, and avoid being made a snack by some hungry grown-ups.  They must team up with each other to find the best chance of survival against all the possible odds. 

My thoughts:
I read the first couple of pages of this book online, decided I would like it, and then borrowed it from the library a few days later. 
It was disappointing. The first pages were great. The next chunk were slightly less exciting but still good. Then, the only character that was worth caring about (positively or negatively) died. It was all downhill from there. 
The book had positives, of course. I read it in three days because it had a fast moving and exciting plot. The story in and of itself was decent. 
However, the characters were seriously lacking in every category.  I didn't care about the characters at all. Each person had no distinction from the next person. The author just threw a bunch of names down and gave them zombies to fight. The only character that seemed to have an actual personality died thirty pages into the book. There was no character development. Mainly because the characters barely existed. 
All in all, this book had a nice story that was not quickly evident because of its awful characters. 
The last note I need to make was on the ending. That was, without a doubt, the WORST ending I've ever read. The last chapter was a mix of random phrases that did not go together well. It was not clear how it ended. Was that supposed to be an opening for a sequel? Or maybe it was a normal open ended book? I wouldn't know because it did not make sense. Usually, the ending makes a mediocre book good, but this ending made this mediocre book frustrating and terrible. 
I would not recommend this book. It was alright, but there are so many books that are much, much better than The Enemy  by Charlie Higson. 

Grown-ups EVERYWHERE!!!

I hoped this helps you out! Thanks for reading!


  1. Welcome back!

    I had a similar experience with this book. I was so disappointed. :-( It was one of those books that could have been SO GOOD! Oh well...


  2. It's nice to know I wasn't the only one!
