October 28, 2011

Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling (Awesome)

This is my first review, so I'm making it about a very well known book, but since it is so well known, everything I say, you probably know, but hang in there.  Harry Potter is the series that made me start liking to read.  It is a wonderfully written story about a boy named Harry Potter who is in at least ten life threatening adventures over the series.  The characters are really well developed with both their good qualities and the bad ones.  It made them all very realistic.  That and the plot are probably what has made this book so massively popular.  The story in essence, is about a boy who is a wizard and ends up going to a school for witches/ wizards called Hogwarts.  He makes some good friends and plays a very different kind of sport.  Then things turn weird, and Harry has to save the day or else the world as we know it will end.  Over the rest of the series relationships come together and break and things turn sour multiple times.  This is a really good book, if you doubt me, ask anyone who has read it.  You will hear complete love for this book.  It is a must read that will surprise you with its twists and turns and you won't be able to put it down.  I know I couldn't.  This is one of those series that you can read six times and still love it.  (I know that from experience.)  If you haven't read it, go find it and you may be pleasantly surprised.


  1. Just 6? I'm over 10 now! I love to re-read series like HP and let different things speak to me each time. Totally part of the magic. :-)

    (Sorry to comment on an old post.)

    1. I was giving myself a little leeway on the number... Truthfully, I've lost count. I've read most of the series that I read at least twice to get everything I missed the first pass through.
      And commenting on an old post, totally don't care. I'm just happy that someone is reading what I wrote. So, thanks.
